Freud adopted the use of psychic determinism = This is the idea that all behaviour is caused by unconscious internal conflicts, over which we have no control
Levels of consciousness
The conscious
The preconscious
The unconscious
We are only aware of our conscious. Contents of the preconscious are revealed through parapraxes, slips of the tongue and dreaming
Since we are completely unaware of our unconscious, inferences of its workings can be made through the psychoanalysis (analysing symbols in dreams) and psychotherapy
The unconscious stores our biological drives and instincts (e.g. hunger, thirst and sex) as well as upsetting and disturbing thoughts repressed from the conscious
Freud's Tripartite Personality
The Id
The Ego
The Superego
The innate part of the personality, and operates on the pleasure principle. Therefore, the Id constantly demands instant gratification (e.g. to fulfill innate, biologicalinstincts, such as hunger and thirst) and so is in conflict with the superego
Formed during the first 3 years of life, and operates on the reality principle. The ego helps to resolve the conflict between the id and superego
Our unconscious thoughts and desires are revealed through parapraxes, slips of the tongue and dreaming
Analysing symbols in dreams to make inferences about the unconscious
Making inferences about the unconscious through therapy
Stores our biological drives and instincts (e.g. hunger, thirst and sex) as well as upsetting and disturbing thoughts repressed from the conscious
Freud's Tripartite Personality
Made up of the Id, Ego and Superego
The innate part of the personality, operates on the pleasure principle, constantly demands instant gratification
Formed during the first 3 years of life, operates on the reality principle, helps resolve conflict between Id and Superego using defence mechanisms
Formed at the end of the phallic stage, operates on the morality principle, contains the child's internalised sense of right and wrong
Psychosexual Stages
A series of developmental stages through which all children progress, characterised by conflicts that must be resolved to pass to the next stage
Oedipus and Electra Complexes
Based on case studies of Little Hans, where Freud suggested his phobia of horses stemmed from a fear towards his father due to sexual desires for his mother
The psychodynamic approach does not meet the scientific criterion of falsifiability, leaving it unfalsifiable and a pseudoscience
Freud's theories suffer from limited applications and generalisability due to being based on individual case studies and interviews
Freud's concept of psychic determinism, where all behaviour is the product of unconscious internal conflicts, is not in line with scientific methods of investigating behaviour
Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis rooted in the psychodynamic approach still have modern uses, such as Functional Analytic Cognitive Therapy
Describe the role of defence mechanisms according to the psychodynamic approach.
• help the ego manage the conflict between the id and the superego
• provide compromise solutions (usually unconscious) to deal with unresolvable conflict
• provide a strategy to reduce anxiety (which weakens the ego’s influence)
• use of examples, eg through the use of denial/displacement/repression, to describe the role of defence mechanisms.
Sigmund Freud
Psychologist most people who haven't studied psychology can name
Freud's approach to psychology, involving unusual and often sexual theories
Freud's ideas are no longer accepted as properly scientific by the vast majority of psychologists, but were incredibly influential in the development of later theories and approaches
Freud focused on early childhood experience and the role of an unconscious mind
A form of counseling developed by Freud
Conscious mind
The part of the mind we are aware of
The part of the mind that contains thoughts and memories not accessible to awareness, but which influence our conscious feelings and behaviors
Psychic determinism
The unconscious shaping of behavior
Psychosexual stages
Stages of development where the child experiences unconscious conflicts that can lead to fixation and negative personality traits
Stages of psychosexual development
Oral stage (0-1 years)
Anal stage (1-3 years)
Phallic stage (3-5 years)
Latency stage (6-12 years)
Genital stage (from 12 years)
Oedipus complex
A boy's strong attraction to his mother and sense of the father as a competitor
Electra complex
A girl's closeness to her father and dislike of her mother
Penis envy
A girl's desire for a penis, which is eventually replaced by the desire for a baby
Defense mechanisms
Unconscious strategies used by the ego to manage conflicts between the id and superego
Defense mechanisms
The selfish, pleasure-seeking part of the personality
The rational, reality-based part of the personality that mediates between the id and superego