gcse biology

Subdecks (18)

Cards (1653)

  • What is a pathogen?
    A pathogen is a microorganism that may cause disease in its host, such as a bacteria, virus, fungus, or parasite. 
  • How can pathogens spread?
    water droplets, direct contact, vectors, through water
  • how is measles spread?
    through physical contact with infected people, through inhalation of water droplets
  • symptoms of measles
    rash, fevers
  • how to prevent spreading measles
    limit physical contact with other people and if you carry the virus, isolate yourself
  • how is HIV spread?
    sexual contact and exchange of bodily fluids
  • how to prevent transmitting HIV
    Use condoms, not sharing needles, HIV positive mothers bottle feeding baby
  • how is TMV spread?
    through contact between diseased plants and insects act as vectors
  • symptoms of TMV
    'mosaic' pattern of discolouration on the leaves as the virus destroys the cells
  • how to reduce spread of TMV

    farmers having good field hygiene and pest control
  • how is gonorrhoea transmitted?
    direct unprotected sexual contact
  • symptoms of gonorrhoea
    thick yellow/green discharge from genital, painful urination
  • gonorrhoea preventions