split-brain research into hemispheric lateralisation AO3

    Cards (6)

    • Sperry's split brain into hemispheric lateralisation
      • Involved good methodology
      • Presented visual information to one hemispheric field at a time
      • Flashed image for one-tenth of a second to prevent eye movement across visual field
      • Allowed Sperry to vary aspects of the basic procedure and ensure only one hemisphere received information at a time
      • Specialised, standardised and well-controlled procedure allowed for extraneous variables to be controlled
    • Good methodology
      Increases the internal validity of Sperry's split brain into hemispheric lateralisation
    • Issues with generalisability
      Reduces the internal validity and population validity of Sperry's split brain into hemispheric lateralisation
    • Sperry's split brain into hemispheric lateralisation
      • Demonstrated lateralised brain functions
      • Left hemisphere more geared towards analytical and verbal tasks
      • Right hemisphere more adept at spatial tasks and music
    • Demonstration of lateralised brain functions

      Increases the credibility of Sperry's split brain into hemispheric lateralisation
    • Overstating differences in function
      Limits the credibility of Sperry's split brain into hemispheric lateralisation
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