modification of the food and drink of an individual who is suffering from a disease for the purpose of removing or at least alleviating the result of the disease process
Diet Therapy Objectives
to main good nutrition or correct any deficiency
to help prevent or manage medical conditions, including their symptoms
to provide rest to the body or an organ
to adjust body weight to a desirable body level
to supply a dietary regiment (kind and amount of food and eating time) according to the patient's metabolism
Diet Therapy: Factors to Consider in the study of diet therapy
underlying disease condition
possible duration of therapy
factors in the diet that must be altered to overcome these conditions
patient's tolerance for food by mouth
Diet Therapy: Diet Modification
change in consistency of food
increase or decrease in the energy value of food
increase or decrease in the bulk of food
include or omit specific kinds of food
adjustment in the composition of nutrient
modify the flavor of food
Diet Therapy: Basis of Modification
normal requirement - recommended dietary allowance (RDA), recommended energy and nutrient intake (RENI)
previous nutritional status of the individual
pathophysiology of disease
anticipated duration of disease and injury
dietary factors to be altered
amount and character of nutrients that are being lost from the body
patient's tolerance for food
socio-economic and other consideration such as religion and custom
Diet Therapy: Principles of Dietary Management
Liberalization - meet the body's requirement for essential nutrients as generously as the condition permits
Individualization - diet regimen should take cognizance of the patient's food intake habits, preferences, economic status
Simplification - should vary from the adequate normal diet as little as possible
Food Nutrient
Food Nutrient: Carbohydrates
organic compound containing C, H, & O
chief source of energy (protein sparer)
regulator of fat metabolism and gastrointestinal peristalsis
body constituent
Provides the primary source of energy intake (40-80% of total energy intake)
RDA: 55-70% of Total Caloric Allowance (TCA)
Energy yield: 4Kcal/g
Food Nutrient: Protein
elements that contain C, H, O & N
essential for growth and source of energy
regulator of body processes
Energy yield: 4Kcal/g
Food Nutrient: Lipid
contain elements like C,H, & O but with different proportion and structural arrangement
lower proportion of oxygen than carbohydrate
water insoluble but soluble in organic solvents
concentrated source of energy and essential fatty acids
important constituent of body compounds
acts as insulator and padding
RDA: 20-30%
Energy yield: 9Kcal/g
Nutritional Requirements (Adult)
Body Mass Index
Desirable Body Weight
Nutritional Requirements (Adult): Body Mass Index
Number that shows body weight adjusted for height
for adults aged 20 years old and older, BMI fall into one of these categories
BMI Categories
Emaciated = > 15
Underweight = 15 -18.5
Normal = 18.5 -24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obese = 30-39.9
Morbidly Obese = 40<
BMI Formulas
(lbs/in^2) x 703
(kg/cm^2) x 10,000
Nutritional Requirements (Adult): Desirable Body Weight
not the actual weight of the individual
used as the basis in the calculation of TER or TCA
Height-Weight Table of FNRI
Modified Tannhausers method in the absence of height-weight tabel
NDAP Formula (Nutritionist- Dieticians Association of the Philippines