1970-74 Heath Conservative

Cards (29)

  • Heath's Conservative Government 1970-74 application to the EEC was successful and they joined in January 1973
  • This is met with some Labour opposition who see it as centred solely around capitalism
  • Heath's Government Manifesto
    Named the Selsdon Manifesto and planned to move away from the post-war consensus as they believed people were too reliant on the welfare state
  • They aimed for free-market policies and greater union controls
  • Anthony Barber
    Chancellor who aimed for a boom before the adoption of free-market policies/looser business controls
  • Following the Barber Boom
    There is a significant rise in inflation and unemployment hits a million
  • Many business subsidies are re-implemented by Heath and a U-turn from the Manifesto occurs
  • This angers free-market capitalists like Thatcher
  • Industrial Relations Act 1971

    1. Gave unions a right to register with the National Industrial Relations Court (NIRC)
    2. NIRC enforced rules including the banning of wildcat strikes
    3. NIRC had the power to impose solutions within the workplace
  • Many unions saw it as an attack on freedoms and the TUC banned member unions from registering
  • Many unions simply accepted the fines
  • The Coal Miners strike occurs after unrest. Pay in this field had fallen compared to equivalent workers and injuries had increased
  • The Aberfan Disaster of 1966 fueled tensions further
  • McGahey led the strike and secondary picketing of lorry depots and gas works occurred
  • The Battle of Saltley Gate refers to the picketing of the Saltley Coking works
  • Miners were given a 27% pay rise and this drove inflation further
  • In 1971, Nixon ended the Bretton Woods agreement and currencies became 'free floating' and inflation increased in the West
  • The Yom Kippur War broke out in Israel and the Middle East cut oil production and increased the price of oil by 400% triggering an economic shock
  • The petrol shortages led to the implementation of the Three Day Week as there was not enough fuel for a whole working week
  • The NUM has an overtime ban as their pay rises have been cancelled out and this puts the government under further pressure
  • Heath's fight and resistance against the NUM is misjudged as it is the middle of winter and fuel shortages mean that houses cannot be heated properly
  • In 1974 the Miners called a National Strike and Heath called an election rather than giving in
  • The Liberals have an increased share of the vote as the other parties are resented for their previous actions
  • Jeremy Thorpe is the leader of the Liberal party at this time and later there is a scandal surrounding him and his ex who threatens to out him to the papers
  • Labour came back as a minority government but had to call another election soon
  • Heath has been the leader of the conservative party for 4 general elections and has only won 1
  • Heath faced particular criticism as it was his decision to call the election that lost the party its majority
  • Heath was arrogant and believed he was the only possible candidate for the leadership
  • Thatcher remained the only other plausible option and was aided by Alley Neave to win leadership in 1975