Cardiac electrical conduction system
1. Cardiac muscle fibers (in myocardium) contract via excitation-contraction coupling whereby an electrical stimulus (action potential; AP) is converted into a mechanical response (muscle contraction)
2. The AP is generated in pacemaker cells (specialized cardiomyocytes) located in the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes of the heart. The AP is then conducted to contractile cardiomyocytes via gap junctions
3. SA node cells spontaneously depolarize at ~100 contractions/min
4. Impulses from SA node controls contraction of atria
5. Contraction of ventricles regulated by impulses from atrioventricular (AV) node >> Bundle of His >> Left and right bundle branches >> Purkinje fibers
6. The two atria contract together due to the Bachmann's bundle (or interatrial band), which runs from the SA node in right atrium into left atrium
7. There are motor neurons in the heart but these ONLY regulate the rate and strength of heartbeat….they don't initiate the heartbeat