a religious festival/group for which participation was secret and was reserved for initiates
Examples of mystery cults
Eleusinian Mysteries
Day 1 of the Eleusinian Mysteries
the archon basileus summoned people in the Poikile Stoa for a formal proclamation
3000 people
Day 2
the mystai purified themselves by washing a piglet in the sea
sacrificing it once back in the city
Day 3 of Eleusinian Mysteries
sacrifices in the Eleusinian with the help of the archon basileus
Day 4 of the Eleusinian Mysteries
named Askelpia in Epidauria was the day the cult of Asclepius joined the Eleusinian mysteries
Day 5 of the Eleusinian Mysteries
15 mile procession from Athens to Eleusis
Beginning at the Eleusinian progressions to the Panatheniac way, past the agora and the Dipylan gates and then following the sacred way until they reach Eleusis
dressed in festival clothing, wearing crowns of myrtle wreaths and holding branches of myrtle tied with strands of wool called "bracchos"
Day 5 - second half of the procession (Eleusinian mysteries)
pause by the lake
after crossing the bridge to the sacred way, ribbon on safron are tied around their right hand and thier left leg
they would dunk a liquid named Kykeon which caused hallucinations
day 6/7 of the Eleusinian mysteries
the secret 2nd degree of the initiation ceremony took place
the myrtle wreaths were replaced try ribbon wreaths
do not know anything after that
Healing cult of Aesclepius locations
myth of Ascepius
he brings his son to help heal the most seriously wounded of the Greek soldiers (Homers illiad)
son of Apollo and mortal mother (identify depends on location of story)
how were individuals cured at the healing cult of Asclepius
cured instantly by the Gods (through sleeping at the sanctuary)
through surgery (as instructed by the God and exercised by the temple staff - physicians)
through prescriptions medicine / specific diet and exercise
what would a typical visit to the cult of asclepius look like
preparatory bathing
sleeping in the stoa of the sanctuary or under open sky (incubations)
Cult of Ascelpius at Epidaurus
centre of pilgrims seeking cure from a wider range of illness