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  • Speed of light = wavelength x frequency
  • 3x10*8 m/s is the constant speed of light
  • speed of light = lambda nu
  • photon = small, discrete bundle of energy
  • photons is measured in units of election volts ( eV )
  • X-rays behave like particles and move as photons or quanta
  • Decreasing wavelength and/or frequency will increase x-ray energy
  • Dr. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered x-rays by accident.
  • X-rays = unknown rays
  • x-rays act like both waves and particles
  • Dr.Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered x-rays November 8 , 1895
  • Crooke's tube -glass tube : glows when energized
  • Photons leave the x-ray tube but upon impact to matter it can change and turn into particles
  • Fluorescence - production of light between energy and matter
  • Dr. Wilhelm tested x-rays on wood ( went straight through ) however platinum was stopped by x-rays
  • Dr.Wilhelm wrote a research paper on the danger December 28 , 1895
  • Erythema = reddening from radiation
  • 1901 he received a Nobel prize in physics
  • Energy - the ability to do work
  • Forms of energy : Kinetic , Electrical, Thermal, Electromagnetic
  • Electrical energy applied to x-ray tube results in heat
  • Wavelength = the distance between two successive crests or troughs of a wave
  • ionization refers to removal of electrons from atoms
  • C/kg - used as unit of measure for output intensity R- used as unit of measure for input
  • Air Kerma = how much kinetic energy is released in matter
  • Air Kerma = kinetic energy released in matter
  • Absorbed Dose - the transfer of radiation energy into matter
  • Amount absorbed dependent on :
    Energy of ionizing radiation
    type of interaction tissues. ( air, muscle, bone , fat )
  • Dose Equivalent - units of radiation exposure used in measuring occupational exposure in radiation equivalents in man ( rem ) and sieverts ( Sv )
  • X-ray and Gamma rays have same quality factors
  • Fast Neurons and Alpha particles have factor / Wr of 20
  • Effective dose = absorbed dose x Wr x Wt
  • ALARA = as low as reasonably achievable
  • x-rays are both electric and magnetic ( electromagnetism ).
  • x-rays act as both particles and waves
  • Time , distance and shielding is considered to be the principles of safety
  • Half life is the time it takes for an activity to reduce its radioactivity by half.
  • Units of Exposure
    The traditional unit is Radian (R), but Sievert (Sv) is the SI unit, equivalent to Rem (R).
  • Rem vs Sievert
    Rem is a traditional unit, specifically for X-rays, while Sievert (Sv) is the SI unit for all types of ionizing radiation.
  • Rem and X-rays
    Rem is a unit specifically designed for X-rays, introduced in the 1940s as a simplification for medical and diagnostic applications.