The spatial resolution of flat-panel receptors is genrally superior to that of CR
Exit radiaiton is converted to visible light with the direct conversion detector
The quality of the CR latent image will remain the same for up to
hours after exposure
The value of a pixel represents
a single brightness level on a monitor
Bit depth= n ^ 2
In a digital image ( fixed FOV ) , as the matrix size increases:
image quality increases and the quantitiy of pixels increases
A larger bit depth :
increases the numbe rof shades of gray
A decrease in pixel pitch would cause the spatial resolution to :
Pixel bit depth is determined by the
In the CR reader unit, the IP is scanned with a(n) :
helium neon laser beam
The variation in anatomic details imaged s white to black brightness levels that can be defined by the unit of line pairs per millimeter best describes :
spatial frequency
The CR phosphor layer is composed of :
barium flourhalide with europium
What is divided into square DELs
TFT array
The percentage of x-rays that have reached the dtector and have been captured in the DELs is known as the :
fill factor
The DQE is :
indirectly proportional to spatial frequency and directly proportional to the MTF
The emission of light when stimulated by a high-intensity laser beam is know as :
photostimulable luminences
The product of total air kaerma and the area of the x-ray beam at entrance of the patient best describes :
When an IR has a wider dynamic range , it has a _____________ pixel depth
The range of exposures that produce optical densities within the straight-line region of the sensitometric curve best describes :
The pixel spacing or distanc emeasured from the center of a pixel to an adjacent pixel known as the ;
pixel pitch
If the variable matrix is increase for a fixed FOV, spatial resolution
_______________- the SNR will improve image quality
Which is another term for Quantum Noise ?
Quantum Mottle
Indirect Converison Detectors use which materials to convert exit radiaiton to visible light ?
Gadolinium Oxysulfide and Cesium Iodide
Turbid scintillator phosphor give higher spatial reoslution by reducing the spread of visible light
Which type of imahing plate would be mechanically fed into a plate - reading machine, for imaging processing ?
Pixels are measured in :
A method of describing the contrast resolution compared with the amount of noise apparent in a digital image is know as :
contrast-to -noise ratio
Compared to film0based image receptors, digital image receptors have a ______ dynamic range
What doe sSNR stand for ?
What can improve spatial resolution ?
increase pixel density and decrease pixel pitch
The higher the DQE of a system , the radiaiton exposure required to produce a quality image is :
When a matric is fixed , increasing the FOV will result in _______ pixels .
DR IR's in comparison to CR IR's , are :
Which of the following is true about the indirect converiosn DR system s?
x-rays are converted to light , then electricalcharges
The CR latent image consist of :
electron strapped in the phosphor layer
If a fixed matrix is used , and the FOV decreases, what happens with the quantity of the pixels in the matrix ?
The measure of imaging system's ability to display the contrast of anatomic objects varying in size is known as the :
modulation transfer function
A method of describing the strength of the radiation exposure compared with the amount of noise apparent in the digital image is known as the :
signal to noise ratio
In the term Air Kerma , KERMA is an acronym . What does KERMA stand for ?