How do these factors affect human welfare in California?
Some farmers have had to change their crops and some land has been left fallow. In Tulare county there were 1500 fewer farmers in 2015 than 2014, a drop of nearly 19%. Also in 2015 1 in 4 Tulare county families lived below the federal poverty line. Families have to relocate, find new jobs and have less money.
Groundwater wells have become polluted → most communities in southern LA country now rely, at least partially, on contaminated groundwater sources. The contaminated water has to be treated and purified which is expensive. In January 2016 treatment failures led to 20,000 residents in Watts, a poor multicultural community in inner city Los Angeles drinking untreated well water for six hours.
In 2016 bottled water was donated to Tulare County during a drought. People were so desperate they stole bottled water from their neighbours in one of the richest states of the USA.
Many residents depends on a private well for water supply but these dry up
Drought → less water → water prices go up, rich people can afford it (water their lawns) poorer people are using more of their disposable income on water