Klinefelterns syndrome occurs in about 1in600 males. Individuals who have this condition are biologicalmales with maleanatomy but they have an additional X chromosome so their chromosomalstructure is XXY.Diagnosis often comes about accidentallyvia a medicalexamination for some unrelatedcondition
physical characteristics of klinefelters syndrome are:
reducedbodyhair compared to a typicalmale
some breastdevelopment at puberty
more susceptible to healthproblems that are usually associated to females such as breastcancer
psychological characteristics of klinefelters syndrome are:
poorlydevelopedlanguageskills and readingability
passive,shy and lackinginterest in sexualactivity
tend not to respondwell to stressfulsituations
problems with executivefunctions such as problemsolving
Turners syndrome is cause by an absence of one of the Xchromosomes in women so their chromosomalstructure is X0. It occurs in 1 in 5000 women.
physical characteristics of Turner’s syndrome are:
nomenstrualcycle as their ovariesfail to develop, leaving them sterile
a broadchest and nodeveloping of breasts at puberty
lowsetears with webbedneck
hips are not much bigger than waist
psychological characteristics of turner’s syndrome are:
higher than averagereadingability
lower than averageperformance on spatial,visualmemory and mathematicalscores
tendency to be sociallyimmature
One strength of the research is its contribution to nature-nurture debate. Comparing both chromosometypical and atypicalindividualshighlightspsychological and behaviouraldifferences. For example, Turner’s syndrome is associated with higher verbal activity. It might be logicallyinferred that these differences have a biologicalbasis and are a directresult of the abnormalchromosomalstructure. This would suggest that innatenatureinfluences have a powerfuleffect on psychology and behaviour
One strength is research has application to managing the conditions. Continued research into atypical sexchromosomalpatterns leads to earlier and moreaccuratediagnosis and posigiveoutcomes. A study of 87individuals with Klinefelter’ssyndrome showed that those identified when youngbenefitted in terms of managing their condition. This suggests that increasedawareness of these conditions has realworldapplication
One limitation is there may be a samplingissue. Generally only those people who have the most severesymptoms are included in the Klinefelter’sdatabase, therefore the typicalprofile may be distorted. The use of prospectivestudies show the majority of those with Klinefelter’sdont have cognitive or psychologicalproblems, and many are highlysuccessful. This suggests that the typicalpicture of Klinefelter’s and Turner’s may be exaggerated