Wilhelm Wundt opened the first lab for psychological enquiry in Leipzig, Germany. Wundt aimed to analyse the nature of humanconsciousness and created introspection.
1900s - Early behaviourists
Early behaviourists rejected introspection.Watson claimed that introspection is subjective and influenced by personal perspective.
1930s - Behaviourist approach
Behaviourist scientific approach dominated psychology. Skinner brought language and rigour of natural sciences to psychology. Focus on learning and use of lab studies.
1950s - Cognitiveapproach
Cognitive approach studied mental processes scientifically and was seen as legitimate. Mind likened to a computer.
1980s - Biological approach
Biological approach introduced technological advances. Took advantage of recent advances in technologies - brain scans, FMRIs, ECGs, etc.
2000s - Cognitiveneuroscience
Study of biologicalstructures which underpin cognitive processes. The study of psychology is now more scientific than ever.