Group of similar organisms that breed to make fertileoffspring
Pass on advantageous alleles for survival of their species
Courtship rituals
Sequence of actions (dance moves, sounds, release of pheromories, feather display, fighting) unique to eachspecies so animals can identify members of their ownspecies to reproduce with
Mostly performed by males, femalesobserve ritual & decide whether they want to mate
Importance of courtship rituals
Allows successfulreproduction
Able to recogniseownspecies & opposite sex
Synchronisesmating behaviour indicates male is sexuallymature/in season iffemaleresponds she is also sexually mature
Ensure offspringsurvives
Forms pairbond (strong bond) ensuring parentsstaytogether & raiseoffspring
Appearance can suggest strong & healthy male
Similar courtship rituals
The more similar a courtshipritual is between diffspecies, the more closelyrelated they are