Venn Diagrams

Cards (16)

  • Ø
    nothing shaded
  • A
    a shaded
  • B
    b shaded
  • A n B

    intersection shaded only
  • universal set
  • A’
    none of a shaded
  • B’
    none of b shaded
  • A u B
    all of a and b shaded
  • A n B’

    a shaded but not the intersection
  • A’ n B
    b shaded but not the intersection
  • A u B’
    everything but b shaded, intersection is shaded
  • A’ u B
    everything but a shaded, intersection is shaded
  • A’ n B’
    outside is shaded
  • A‘ u B’
    everything shaded but intersection
  • (A n B) u (A’ n B’)

    outside and intersection shaded
  • (A n B’) u (A’ n B)

    everything but outside and intersection shaded