Concordance rates for MZ twins are not 100%, despite being genetically identical, suggesting that nurture and the environment also plays a significant role in development
Attachment was adaptive as it meant an infant was more likely to be protected due to displaying social releasers and features of infant-caregiver interactions
Schizophrenia develops in children who frequently receive contradictory messages from parents, preventing the child from developing an internal consistent construction of reality
Tienari et al (2004) found that children without a genetic risk but raised in a family climate characterised by tension and a lack of empathy did not develop schizophrenia, while children with a genetic risk and who experienced the same family climate did go on to develop schizophrenia
Maguire et al study of London taxi drivers showed that the region of their brains with spatial memory was bigger than in controls, because the hippocampi had responded this way
Caspi et al (2002) found that 12% of men with less MAOA gene expression had experienced maltreatment when they were babies but were responsible for 44% of crimes