Both Fitzgerald and Steinbeck argue that the functioning of society has become fragmented.Fitzgeraldcriticised America's society as he argues that society is not functioning properly as it is working for some people butnot for allpeople and Fitzgeralddisputes that society shouldwork for everybody.Steinbeckcriticises America on how profit and money is valuedmore than humanity.
Gatsby1 - tom and Georges interaction (poor compared to rich)
tom "hetalkscoldly" "stuttering" from George to show he's frightened "he suretakes his time"- interrupts the hierarchy
Gatsby 1 critic
Milgate "Fitzgerald clearly perceived the existence of an American class - system dominated by the power of money" Vonnegut "a handful of rapacious citizens have come to control all that was worthcontrolling in America"
Gatsby 2 - Georgesdeath
he doesn't have a bigdescription of his death which shows his lack of value and worth to society due to his class. This shows a lack of care and how he's ignored and marginalised. "Wilson was gone" "Wilsonsbody was a littleway off in the grass" - the grasssuggests his body was hidden as no one cares.
Gatsby 2 critics
LeGuin "we live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable" Michaels "the desire for a differentfuture is the desire to belong to a differentclass"
grapes1 - carsalesman
"usedcars, good usedcars" "start 'em at twohundred and workdown" "can'tpay a nickel over seventy-five, or there won't be enough to get to California"
grapes 1 critic
parenti "the essence of capitalism is to turn nature into commodities and commodities in to capital" paterson " the grapes of wrath is a mirror of a countrysplintered by inerquality"
grapes2 - breakdown of the car
"a little rattle had developed in the engine" "I don't know what made her goout. I gave her plenty of oil" "the engineclatteredloudly"
grapes 2 critic
Keough "the grapes of wrath explores various forms of class stratification and prejudice to reveal social structures based upon immoralconduct"
Gatsby context
Written in 1920s.Significant class inequalities with an informed hierarchy.Economic boom led to greatwealth leading to hierarchy.
grapes context
written in 1930s. The great depression led to inequality between class and it came to a survival of the fittest. The dustbowl had major impacts on farming leading to migration.