emerging powers also rely on low prices for raw materials but can usually provide cheaper manufactured goods than their superpower competitors
emerging power have less to lose than superpowers when forging strong relationships w developing countries
china and various african countries
china increasing volume of trade it has with africa, raw materials
china become one of main sources of FDI in african continent
china provides foreign aid in forms of grants to countries in important trade relationships
chinese investments often used for large scale infrastructure projects eg new roads
china also invested significantly in water treatment plants across continent
chinese funds have paid for projects which will encourage further investment from private companies
infrastructure investments also benefit home grown companies+encourage trade within africa
many investment projects create employment opportunities for local people - long term impact on local economies
by 2013, china had funded 17 hydroelectric power plants in africa
relationship based on the trade of resourcers which will eventually run out- china may withdraw investments
the race to supply china with materials has caused environmental degradation in many african countries eg oil spills affecting water courses and contaminating farmland+toxic waste materials
jobs generated from chinese investment typically low-paid and short term
Asian countries- experiencing rise in economic importance
emerging economies eg china and india, developing strong trade links with the rest of the world=asias geopolitical influence increasing
economic centre of world shifting closer to asia- economic centre of gravity
asia also has rapid population growth- by 2030 27/33 of worlds mega cities will be in asia=increasingly large market for goods
in 2020- 15 asian pacific countries joined RCEP=trade bloc which is largest in history