Enzymes are biological catalyst that speeds up chemical reactions inside a living cell.
They are proteins therefore they undergo all the reactions of proteins, such as denaturation and coagulation by heat, alcohol, strong acids, and alkaloidal reagents.
The names of most enzymes end with the suffix -ase.
Highly increases the rate of the reaction (106 to 1012 times faster), without themselves being changed in the overall process.
Very specific with the reaction it catalyzed, for example, Lactase will only react with Lactose.
Formation of side product is rare and they have very complex structure, hence are capable of being regulated
Based on the what type of molecule they specificallyreact to. Example: Urease, lactase, and lipase.
CLASSIFICATION OF ENZYMES: Reaction they Catalyzed
Oxido-reductases - catalyze oxidation and reduction reactions in which electrons travel from one molecule to another.
CLASSIFICATION OF ENZYMES: Reaction they Catalyzed
Transferases catalyze the transportation of a functional group from one molecule to another.
CLASSIFICATION OF ENZYMES: Reaction they Catalyzed
Hydrolase enzymes catalyze the hydrolysis of chemical bonds with the action of water (HOH).
CLASSIFICATION OF ENZYMES: Reaction they Catalyzed
Lyases catalyze the breakdown of various chemicalbonds by means other than hydrolysis and oxidation, often forming new double bonds or ring structures
CLASSIFICATION OF ENZYMES: Reaction they Catalyzed
Isomerases catalyze structural shifts in molecules, causing changes in shape.
CLASSIFICATION OF ENZYMES: Reaction they Catalyzed
Ligases catalyze ligation--the combination of pairs of substrates.
Examples of Transferases
Transaminases (transfer of NH2 group), Kinases (transfer of a phosphate)
Dehydrases (remove H2O), Decarboxylases (remove CO2), Synthases (add small mo. to DB)
Example of Ligases
Carboxylases (bond formation between a substrate and CO2)
Enzymes lowers the activation energy ( energy required for a chemical reaction to
Provides unique binding surface called ACTIVE SITE. Reactant molecule called SUBSTRATE binds to the enzyme’s active site
•An enzyme contains an active site that binds the substrate, forming an enzyme-substrate complex.
•Once the reaction has occurred, the catalyst released the product(s).
A) products
•The lock-and-key model states that the active site is a rigid cavity; to react, the substrate must exactly match the shape of the active site. Proposed by Emil Fischer.
•The induced-fit model states that the active site has a flexible shape, which can adjust to fit a variety of substrate shapes. Proposed by Daniel Koshland.
Figure 1: Lock and Key Model by Emil Fischer
Figure 2: Induced-fit Model by Daniel Koshland.
Catalytic activity of some enzyme depend only on the interaction between the active site and the substrate.
Other enzymes require non-protein component for their activity, called enzyme cofactors which are ENZYME COFACTORS.
Metal Activators ( Fe+2, Cu+2, Na+ )
Coenzymes (organic molecule needed for an enzyme-catalyzed reaction to occur).
NAD+ is the cofactor (coenzyme) that oxidizes lactate to pyruvate
with the aid of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase:
•Coenzyme FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) is an oxidizing agent as well. Removal of 2 H's.
Apoenzyme – an enzyme (protein part) that lacks an essential
Holoenzymes – intact enzymes with their bound cofactors. Coenzyme + apoenzyme.
Zymogens -(proenzymes) are an inactive form of an enzyme that can be converted to the active form when needed.
substrate and enzyme concentration
temperature - Optimum temp.- temp. at which the rate of enzyme’s activity is at maximum.
pH - Optimum pH – pH at which the rate of enzyme’s activity is at maximum
Figure 1: Rate of reaction is directly proportional to the enzyme concentration. As the amount of enzyme increases, the rate also increases.
Figure 2: Increase in substrate will increase the rate but then stops affecting it when all the active sites are occupied (point of saturation)
Figure 3: As the temperature increase the reaction also increase, but then stops and decreases when optimal temp. (when enzymes are most active) is reached because from then enzymes decreases as they denature.
Figure 4: As the pH increase the reaction also increase, but then stops and decreases when optimal pH (when enzymes are most active) is reached because from then enzymes decreases as they denature.
•An inhibitor bonds to the enzyme and alters or destroys the enzyme’s activity.
•This inhibition can be reversible or irreversible.
•A noncompetitive inhibitor bonds to the enzyme, but not to the active site.
•A competitive inhibitor has a shape and structure similar to the substrate, so it competes with the substrate for binding to the active site.