Slovak Language 02
Created by
Mary-Anne Alfa
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Cards (19)
Prídete na odber krvi - nalačno. Nesmiete jesť, ale môžete piť.
You will come to the blood collection on an empty stomach. You may not eat, but you can drink.
Pôjdete na röntgen
You will go for an X-ray
Pozriem sa na to
I'll look into it
Popočúvam vás
I will auscultate you
Predpíšem vám antibiotiká.
I will prescribe you antibiotics.
Dám vám injekciu.
I will give you an injection.
Dostanete infúziu.
You will receive an infusion.
Odmeriam vám teplotu / tlak / pulz ...
I will measure your temperature / pressure / pulse ...
Urobíme vám EKG / USG.
We will do an ECG / USG.
Prídete na kontrolu.
You will come for check-up.
Prídete na krv.
You will come for blood tests.
Budete užívať antibiotiká.
You will take antibiotics.
Prídete nalačno
You will come fasting
Potrebujete injekciu, lokálne anestetikum.
You need an injection, a local anesthetic.
Pôjdete na ultrazvuk
You will go for an ultrasound
Prídete s výsledkom.
You will come with the result.
Prídete rano na odber krvi.
You will come in the morning for a blood test.
Ešte chviľu tu zostanete.
Nemôžeme vás ešte prepustiť domov.
You will stay here for a while. We can't let you go home yet.
Predpišem vás lieky
I will prescribe you medicine