Solving linear programming problems using the simplex method
1. Add the slack variable to each inequality where ever required
2. Construct the initial simplex table
3. Identify the greatest negative entry in the bottom row, the column of the element with the highest negative entry is called the pivot column
4. Divide the entries of the right-most column with the entries of the respective pivot column, excluding the entries of the bottommost row. The row containing the least entry is called the pivot row. The pivot element is obtained by the intersection of the pivot row and the pivot column
5. Using matrix operation and with the help of the pivot element make all the entries in the pivot column to be zero
6. Check for the non-negative entries in the bottommost row, if there are no negative entries in the bottom row, end the process else start the process again from step 4
7. The final simplex table so obtained gives the solution to the problem