increase in nuclear size, increase in mitoticactivity, full thickness of epithelium, doesnt pass into basementmembrane, architechtural disarray, variance of cellappearance
carcinoma in situ
marked dysplasia, full epithelium, doesnt penetrate basementmembrane
precursor lesions
squamousmetaplasia, endometrialhyperplasia
benign tumour macroscopic appearance
wellcircumscribed, may be encapsulated, no haemorrhage or necrosis, usually homogenous in colour, no involvement of surrounding lymph node
microscopic features of a benign tumour
welldifferentiated, rounded edges, neoplasticgrowth of ducts and stromal tissue, usually resembles tissueoforigin, no or very rare mitoses, usually no cytologicalatypia
macroscopic features of a malignant tumour
poorlycircumscribed, invasivemargins, necrosis and haemorrhage, evidence of metastases to lymph nodes
microscopic features of malignant tumours
architechturaldisarray, increase in nuclear size, nuclear hyperchromatism, increased mitoses
What is the significance of the depth of invasion and thickness of a malignant melanoma?
predicts likelyhoodofspread, thickness also guides surgeon in excision
Why is staging useful?
prognosis and guidemanagement
What is a polyp?
localisedneoplasm projects above mucosalsurface
What environmental factors are implicated in carcinogenesis?
Infectiousagents, smoking, alcohol, diet, obesity, reproductivehistory and exposure to environmentalcarcinogen