small sample size, individual differences means unrepresentative thus cannot generalise
culture bias- american, individualistic cultures cannot compare to collectivist where beliefs and traditions vary due to imposed etic risk
use of questionaires, self report bias(SDB) however gathers large amounts of quantitative data cheaply and efficiently- quantative data lacks detail but easy to compare and analyse to draw C+E relationships
LIMITATION- reductionist
considers demographic and social explanations however no biological factors
evolution proposes that our ancestors choose a mate in order to reproduce and filters not considered(question of validity as cannot be tested now)
there it is reductionist thus not a comprehensive explanation which can be generally applied, reducing RWA.
HOWEVER empirical evidence does not exist for evolutional theories and is only subjective
LIMITATION- social media
filter theory less valid following the increase of internet use and online dating
means our 'field of desireables' increased and not restricted by ceetain social demographics eg proximity because have the ability to communicate prior to meeting
filter theory lacks temporal validity because it can only explain dating phenomena which have been restricted to the era before the internet- however majority still use 3 filters not completely invalid