the dispositional explanation is the importation model
researchers argue that inmates bring with them intoprisons a subculturetypical of criminality including beliefs, norms, attitudes and personalcharacteristics. Inmates import these characteristics which then influence their use of aggression to establishpower, status and access to resources.Aggression is the result of individual characteristics of inmates and not of the prisonenvironment
researchers studied juveniledelinquents in californianinstitutions who imported many differentnegativebackgrounds. For example, childhoodtrauma, anger, substanceabuse and violentbehaviour
a researchers study compared2group of inmates where one group importednegativecharacteristicsinto the prison and a controlgroupwithoutnegativecharacteristics. The negativeinmates were morelikely t engage in suicidal activity, sexualmisconduct and acts of physicalaggression
is the situational explanation is the deprivation model
A researcher argues that harshprisonconditions cause stress for inmates who cope by behavingaggressively.Aggression results from beingdeprived of freedom and materialgoods. It is made worse by an unpredictableprisonregime that regularly uses lockups to controlbehaviour. This reducesaccess to goods like TV even further.Aggression becomes an adaptivesolution to deprivation
deprivation of psychologicalfactors such as freedom and a deprivation of physicalfactors like materialgoodsincreasesaggressivecompetition amongst inmates
A researcher investigatedfactors predicting aggression in 512USprisons.Inmate on inmateviolence was morecommon in prisons where there was a higherproportion of femalestaff, overcrowding and moreinmates in protectivecustody. These are prisonlevelfactors because they are independent of individualcharacteristics of prisoners
One strength of the importation model is researchsupport. Researchers found nosignificantdifference in aggression over 2years between inmatesrandomlyplaced in low (33%) and highsecurityprisons (36%). The researchers found that features of the prisonenvironment are less important predictors of aggressive behaviour than characteristics of inmates. This is strong evidence for importation model because there was random allocation of inmates
One limitation of the importation model is that it ignoreskeyfactors. A researcher claims the modelignoresotherfactors that influenceprisonersbehaviour such as the prisonofficers and the way the prison is run. The administrativecontrolmodel suggests poorlymanagedprisons have the worstviolence as they have weakleadership, distantstaff and feweducationalopportunities. Therefore, importation is an inadequateexplanation because institutionalfactors are probably moreimportant than inmatecharacteristics
One strength of the deprivation model is researchsupport. Researchers found that inmatehomicides in Texasprisons were linked to deprivationsidentified in deprivationmodel. Many homicidesarguments between cell sharing inmates where boundaries were crossed. These are the factorsidentified by the deprivationmodel, so the findingssupport the modelsvalidity
One limitation of the deprivation model is contradictingresearch. The deprivationmodelpredictslack of heterosexualcontact should lead to aggression in prisons. Researchers studied 2USprisons and found noreducedaggression in prisoners who has conjugalvisits. This suggests that situationalfactors do not substantially affectprisonviolence