Excitability - ability to contract in response to chemical signals
Contractibility - ability for muscle to contract/shorten
Elasticity - ability for muscle to return to the original resting length after being stretched
Extensibility - capacity of a muscle to stretch beyond its normal resting lenght
fast twitch - rapid contraction to produce greater force
slow twitch - slower, less powerful force, fatigue resistant
Blood main functions
transportation of nutrients and waste products - O2 and CO2
regulation of body temperature
protection of body - white blood cells and blood clotting
cardiac cycle
distole - atria and ventricle muscles relax
atrial systole - atria contracts to force blood into ventricles
ventricular systole - ventricles contract to force blood out of the heart
stroke volume
volume of blood pumped out per beat
cardiac out put
liters of blood pumped out per minute
Heart rate
speed heart pumps per minute
volume of lung increases
intercostal muscles contract
diaphragm contracts and flattens
volume of lungs decrease
intercostal muscles relax
diaphragm relaxes and moves up
minute ventilation
amount of air inspired and expired per minute
respiratory rate
breaths per minute
tidal volume
amount of air inspired and expired per breath
primary and preferred food source
don't require much oxygen to break down
broken into glucose (transport in body) and glycogen(stored in muscles and liver)
Low Gi - slow release like bread and lentils
High Gi - fast release like honey and bananas
body's main source of fuel at rest and during prolonged periods of sub maximal exercise
produce more energy but require more oxygen
broken into triglycerides, stored in cells then used to fuel exercise
growth and repair of muscle tissues
production of red blood cells, hormones and antibodies
ATP production when carb and fat stores are fully depleted
broken down into amino acids and stored in muscles
Increased strokevolume
heart elasticity increases and becomes stronger
and can pump out more blood becasue of increased blood preassure
increased maximum cardiac output
bc of increase in stroke volume
Increased in plasma and hemoglobin
better temp regulation and transport of oxygen
decreased blood preasure
bc of increased muscle strength and capillarisation
increase number of capillaries - Increased capillarisation allows for more oxygen to be transported to the working muscles and therefor more gaseous exchange
increased tidal volume at rest
so reduction in number of breaths per minute
because of increased respiratory muscle strength( intercostal muscles) so higher efficency
increased lung capacity
allows more oxygen to be inspired
decreased ventilation at rest
more efficent gas exchange
increased VO2 max - largest amount of oxygen your body is able to produce
larger lung capacity and higher use of alveoli
Muscle hypertrophy - increase in muscle mass
Cardio respiratory endurance
ability of the circulatory and respiratory system to make ATP using oxygen for an extended period of time
affected by age, VO2max and muscle fibre type ( slow twitch allow body to exercise sub maximally for longer periods of time without fatigue)
Muscular strength
maximal force a muscle can generate from a single maximal effort
factors affecting - age (loose muscular strength after 25), muscular cross section area (larger size of muscles, more force), muscle fibre types (fast twitch, more force)
Local muscular endurance
capacity for a muscle to continue contracting for a period of time and resist muscle fatigue. contraction of muscles causes surrounding blood vessels to block, limiting amount of oxygen and resulting in fatigue
factors affecting - muscular strength ( larger muscles can contract for longer), aerobic fitness ( higher aerobic fitness = improved delivery of oxygen to working muscles), muscle fibre type (greater percentage of slow twitch allows for longer exercise)