Working memory model

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    • The working memory model is a model of short term memory. The working memory model is concerned with the 'mental space' that is active when using memory.
    • Phonological loop
      The phonological loop consists of a phonological store and an articulatory process.
      The phonological loop deals with auditory information and preserves the order in which the information arrives. It is subdivided into :
      1. phonological store - stores the words you hear
      2. articulatory process - allows maintenance rehersal
    • Visuo-spacial sketchpad
      Stores visual and/or spacial information when required.
      Logie subdivided the VSS into :
      1. Visual cache - stores visual data
      2. Inner scribe - records arrangement of objects in visual field
    • Episodic buffer
      Episodic buffer is a temporary storage which was added in the 2000s. It integrates visual, spacial and verbal information from other stores. It maintains sense of time sequencing - recorded events that are happening. It also links to long term memory.
    • Central executive
      Supervisory role - monitors incoming data, directs attention and allocates subsystems to tasks. It has a very limited storage capacity.
    • Evaluation
      One strength of the model is support from clinical evidence. For example, the patient KF had a brain injury. His short term memory for auditory information was poor but he could process visual information normally. This supports the working memory model view that there are separate visual and acoustic memory stores. However, KF may have had other impairments which explained poor memory performance, apart from damage to his phonological loop. This challanges evidence from clinical studies of brain injury.
    • Evaluation
      One limitation is a lack of clarity over the central executive. Baddley said the central executive was the most important but the least understood component of working memory. There must be more to the central executive than just being attention. Therefore, the central executive is an unsatisfactory component and this challenges the integrity of the model
    • Evaluation
      One limitation is the validity of the model. Dual task studies support the working memory model as they show that there must be separate components processing visual and verbal information. However, these studies are highly controlled and use tasks that are unlike everyday working memory tasks. This challenges the validity of the model as it is not certain that working memory operates this way in everyday situations.
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