Glowacki et al identified sevenhighqualitystudies published that examined the effectiveness of token economies for people with chronic mentalhealthissues such as schizophrenia and involved patients living in a hospital setting
All the studies showed a reduction in negative symptoms and a decline in the frequency of unwanted behaviours
This supports the value of token economies.
However seven studies is quite a smallevidencebase to support the effectiveness of a technique
One issue with a small number of studies is the file drawer problem
This phenomenon leads to a bias towards positivepublished findings because undesirable results have been 'filedaway'. This is a particular problem in reviews that only include a small numbers of studies
This means that there is a serious question over the evidence for the effectiveness of token economies.
Existence of more pleasant + ethical alternatives
Token economies are helpful for managing schizo there're approaches with a comparableevidencebase that do not raise same ethical issue
Review Chiang et al concluded that art therapy may be a good alternative
Evidence base is small and has methodologicallimitations but shows that it's a high-gain low-risk approach to managing
Even if the benefits are modest this is true for all approaches to treatment unlike alternatives, art therapy is a pleasantexperiencewithout major ethicalabuses