ravens progressive matrices

Cards (10)

  • Does not depend on language abilities as the tests are non-verbal and considered more culturally fair
  • measures fluid intelligence, the ability to think clearly and identify meaningful patterns in complex information without the need for formal education
  • The standard test is the most widely used for children. It is a pen and paper test consisting of 60 items arranged into five sets of 12 items each.
  • One pattern is missing and the testee has to select the appropriate one to form a set of six alternatives
  • there is also the advanced version for adults and teens of above average intelligence which has 48 items of increasing difficulty
  • The ravens tests and much easier to administer compared to IQ test as it is untimed, but generally takes between 15 and 45 minutes
  • it requires no specialist materials and can be administered to groups or individuals as well as to people with physical disabilities
  • useful
    Because it is non-verbal, it is culturally fair, so ideal for comparing cultures
    Reliable and valid measures of intelligence in the general population
    They are quick to administer and easy to interpret
  • effectiveness
    High split half reliability above 0.85
    The construct validity depends on spearmans theory of G which is less accepted
  • practicality
    Flexible to administer and simple to interpret, giving one score that can be interpreted without training
    This simplicity can be considered depending on the purpose of the testing
    WISC is better at identifying specific strengths and weaknesses