eysencks theory

    Cards (8)

    • general personality theory
      • eysenck - 1950s and 60s
      • proposed behaviour can be presented along two dimensions: introversion/extraversion and neuroticism/stability
      • the two combine to form a variety of personalities
      • later added psychoticism
    • bio basis
      • personality traits are bio in origin and come about through type of nervous system we inherit
      • extraverts - underactive nervous system meaning they constantly seek excitement/stimulation - tend not to condition easily or learn from mistakes
      • neurotic - tend to be nervous, jumpy and over-anxious - general instability means behaviour is hard to predict
    • criminal personality
      • neurotic-extravert
      • will also score high on psychoticism - characterised as cold, unemotional and prone to aggression
    • role of socialisation
      • saw criminal behaviour as developmentally immature in that it is selfish and concerned with immediate gratification - impatient and cant wait for things
      • socialisation is process in which children are taught to delay gratification and become more socially oriented
      • believed those with high E and N scores had nervous systems that made them hard to condition - as a result, dont easily learn to respond to antisocial impulses with anxiety - so will act more antisocially
    • measuring the criminal personality
      • notion that personality can be measure is central to his theory
      • developed the Eysenck personality inventory - psychological test that locates respondents along the E and N dimensions to determine personality type
    • W - cultural bias
      • study of hispanic and african-american offenders in maximum security prison
      • divided them into 6 groups based on nature of offence
      • revealed that all 6 groups were found to be less extravert than a non-criminal control group
      • suggested its because the sample was a very different cultural group, which questions the generalisability of the criminal personality
    • S - supporting evidence
      • Eysenck compared 2070 male prisoners scores on the EPI with 2422 male controls
      • on measure of psychoticism, extraversion and neuroticism prisoners had higher scores than controls
      • supports the theory
      • however EEGs show that there is very little difference in cortical arousal between extraverts and introverts, which casts doubt on the psychological basis of his theory
    • W - bio determinism
      • suggests criminal behaviour is not chosen but caused by factors outside an individual’s control - inherited nervous system governs personality type, and in some cases, is the cause of their criminal behaviour.
      • problematic, when it comes to explaining crime, as it ignores free will
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