dietary supplements

Cards (4)

  • glycogen loading - CARB loading

    six days before event:
    • for 3 days athlete eats protein rich Diest and exercises at relatively high intensity to burn off any existing carb stores
    • followed by another 3 days of carb rich diet and light training
    • as glycogen stores totally deplete, the new stores can be up to 2x the original amount and prevent fatigue
    + increased glycogen store in muscle
    + delays fatigue
    -more water retention during carb loading phase - bloating, weight increase
    -depletion phase - performers are irritated and may alter training programme
  • Creatine monohydrate
    increases the amount of PCR stored in muscle
    used to fuel the atp-pc system which provides short a, punt of energy
    creatine is supplied naturally for contraction but can also be taken as a supplement
    + improves recovery times, improves muscle mass
    -muscle cramps, diarrhoea, water retention
  • sodium bicarbonate
    increases buffering capacity of blood so it can neutralise effect of lactic acid and hydrogen irons produced during high intensity
    + reduces acidity in muscles, delays fatigue and increases buffering capacity of the blood
    -vomiting, pain, cramping, bloating
  • caffeine
    naturally occurring stimulant that increases mental alertness whilst reducing fatigue
    suitable for endurance athletes