Statistics Part II Power Analysis, Effect, Confidence

Cards (24)

  • What is Beta (probability of false negative believing something is not true, but it is) influenced by?
    • Sample size
    • Power size
    • Alpha
    • Variability
  • 1-beta stands for the power (probability of correctly detecting a ttue effect)
  • Alpha level (type I error) is 0.05, and Beta is 0.80 or 80% (power of the test)
  • Which type of error is worse to fall under?
    Type I error (0.05) because we may think there is an effect, when there is not an effect
  • Power analysis is used to determine the sample size needed in a study to detect an effect of a given size.
  • By controlling Beta-1 (power analysis), researchers can minimise the chance of making a Type II error (believing there is no effect, when there actually is).
  • What do we want to specify for the effect in a one-sample t-test?
    The difference between the observed means and the expected means
  • What do you think we should specify for the effect in a independent-sample t-test?
    Difference between the two groups for effect
  • What do we want to specify for the effect in a paired-sample t-test??
    Difference within the two groups (before and after)
  • What test statistic do we use to quantify effect size in t-tests?
    Cohen's d (d= difference/ standard deviation)
  • Effect size is important because?
    It establishes practical importance in measuring the difference of means within the population, not just observed difference (significance level alpha)
  • A cohen's d measure of 0.20 within a t-test would equate to a roughly small effect size
  • What does this image describe?
    A cohen's d measure of 0.80 within a t-test would equate to a roughly large effect size by measuring the observed difference/ standard deviations of groups
  • What does this image describe?
    A Cohen's d measure of 0.50 within a t-test would equate to a roughly moderate effect size by measuring the observed difference/ standard deviations of groups.
  • The confidence interval quantifies how precise an estimate about your true population mean from the sample taken
  • Increasing the sample size will create a more precise estimate (confidence interval) for the true population mean
  • one-sample t-test: Confidence interval in which the difference between observed and expected mean likely falls
  • independent samples t-test: Confidence interval in which the difference between two groups means likely falls
  • Paired samples t-test Confidence interval in which the difference between the two paired groups( before and after) likely falls
  • When do we require a non-parametric test?
    When data are not normally distributed
  • A Wilcox test is can example of a non-parametric test
  • The confidence interval ([0.03, 4.40]) is broad, meaning there's a wide range of values that the true effect could take. This broadness indicates a degree of uncertainty about the size of the effect.
  • Power (1 - beta) is the probability that a study will detect an effect when there is an effect to be detected. It is typically established before a study begins. The higher the power(1 - beta).
  • The bigger Power B-1 greater the chance of avoiding a Type II error (false negative).