Types of attachment

Cards (7)

  • What behaviour did Ainsworth measure
    Proximity seeking
    Secure base behaviour
    Stranger anxiety
    Seperation anxiety
    Response reunion
  • What types of attachment did Ainsworth find
    Secure attachment
    Insecure avoidant
    Insecure resistant
  • Secure attachment
    Proximity seeking and secure base behaviour
    Moderate stranger and separation anxiety
    Accept comfort t reunion
  • Insecure avoidant
    Explore freely but don't show proximity seeking or secure base behaviour
    Little or no separation or stranger anxiety
    Avoid contact when reunited
  • Insecure resistant
    Seek great proximity and explore less
    High separation and stranger anxiety
    Resist comfort when the caregiver returns
  • Positive of strange situation
    Good predictive validity
    Good reliability - Inter rater reliability
    Was repeated and same conclusion found - doesn't rely on subjective judgments
  • Negative of strange situation
    Culture bound - only done in US and UK - Japan High insecure resistant
    Researchers found other attachment types