The Moon (with a capital M) is the moon that orbits the Earth.
A way of showing or representing something that helps you to think about it or to find out about it.
The path that a planet takes around a star, or the path that a moon or satellite takes around a planet.
A large object orbiting a star. The Earth is a planet.
Solar System
A star with planets and other objects orbiting around it.
A huge ball of gas that gives out energy - we see some of the energy as light.
The star that the Earth orbits.
A natural satellite of a planet.
phases of the Moon
The different shapes the Moon seems to have at different times.
An imaginary line around the middle of the Earth.
Half of a sphere - the shape you would get if you cut a solid ball in half.
northern hemisphere
The half of the Earth with the North Pole in it. China is in the northern hemisphere.
Two things pulling towards each other.
A magnetised piece of metal that can swing around. One end always points north.
The volume around something where a non-contact force can affect things. Examples are magnetic fields and gravitational fields.
field lines
Lines drawn to show which way a magnetic field acts.
magnetic field
The space around a magnet where it can affect magnetic materials or other magnets.
north-seeking pole
The end of a magnet that points north if the magnet can move freely. Often just called the north pole.
Push away.
south-seeking pole
The end of a magnet that points south if the magnet can move freely. Often just called the south pole.
artificial satellite
A satellite made by humans.
gravitational field
The space around the Earth where the Earth's gravity affects things.
gravitational field strength
The force with which a gravitational field pulls on each kilogram of mass. The gravitational field strength ('g') on Earth is approximately 10 N/kg.
The force of attraction between any two objects. The Earth is very big and so has strong gravity that pulls everything down towards it.
natural satellite
A satellite that has not been made by humans. The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth.
Anything that orbits a planet or a moon.
The amount of force with which gravity pulls things. It is measured in newtons (N). Your weight would change if you went into space or to another planet.
A pattern of stars. The stars in a constellation are not usually close together, they only appear to be close when seen from the Earth.
Millions of stars grouped together.
light year
The distance that light travels in one year.
Milky Way
The galaxy that our Solar System is in.
All the galaxies and the space between them.
North pole
One end of a magnet
South pole
The other end of a magnet
When two of the same pole are near each other
They will repel each other
When two different poles are near each other
They will attract each other
Magnetic field
The space around a magnet
The direction of a magnetic field is always away from the north pole and towards the south pole