Division of Labour

Cards (14)

  • Parsons Instrumental role
    Husbands - provide finances and pay for everything - breadwinner.
  • Parsons Expressive role

    Wives - home-maker, primary socialisation of children and emotional work.
  • Parsons reason for roles
    Biological differences - benefit family members & members of wider society.
  • Bott - Joint
    Mainly m/c, couples share household tasks, childcare & leisure time.
  • Bott - segregated conjugal roles

    mainly w/c, with seperate roles like parsons instrumental & expressive
  • Willmott & Young: Symmetrical family
    Mop view - roles are becoming MORE equal.
    Roles aren’t exactly the same/ equal but are becoming MORE similar.
  • Who has symmetrical family and what characteristics
    Young, isolated affluent couples.
    • more women work
    • more men help with housework and childcare
    • couples spend leisure time together.
  • Rise in symmetrical family because
    change in women’s position
    geographical mobility
    new technology e.g. hoover
    higher standards of living
  • Cronpton & Lyonette - 2 explanations of DOL
    1. Cultural / Ideological explanation
    2. material / economic explanation
  • C&L 1. Cultural explanation 

    DOL is determined by patriarchal norms and values of society that shape gender identity & roles.
    • what society expects us to do / socialises us into.
  • C&L 2. Material explanation
    DOL is determined by who earns the most money for the household.
    men go to work, women work at home.
    • Sullivan : full time vs part time work makes the highest difference to how much domestic work each partner does.
  • Feminist view of housework
    Oakley: criticises Young & Willmott for exaggeration.
    • men and women are still unequal.
    • women do more domestic labour.
    • family & society are still patriarchal and socialisation reflects this reproducing gender inequalities.
    • dual burden & triple shift still exist for women.
  • Evidence of cultural explanation:
    Gershuny: couples whos parents has more equal relationship are more likely to share housework equally themselves.
    BSA survey (2013) found <10% of under 35s agreed with traditional DOL compared to 30% over 65s.
    Weeks: same sex couples offer more equality because DOL is open to negotiation, not patriarchy.
  • Evidence of material explanation:
    If women join the labour force and earn as much as men, then there will be equal amounts to domestic work.
    Ginn: better paid m/c women were more able to buy products and services rather than doing it themselves e.g. cleaner, babysitter.
    Sullivan: found that full time vs part-time makes a big difference in sharing domestic tasks.