all characteristics combine nature and nurture e.g. attachment can be explained in terms of quality of parental love (Bowlby 1958) or child's temperament (Kagan 1984) and heredity interact
in the diathesis-stress model, behaviour is caused by a biological/environmental vulnerability which is only expressed when couple with a biological/environmental trigger e.g. a person who inherits a genetic vulnerability for OCD may not develop the disorder. But, combined with a psychological trigger e.g. a traumatic experience this may result in the disorder appearing
empiricists e.g. Locke 17th century argues the mind is a blank slate at birth, and is shaped by interaction with the environment e.g. the behaviourist approach
Lerner (1986) identified different levels of the environment:
- prenatal terms e.g. mother smoking or hearing music
- postnatal experiences e.g. the social conditions a child grows up in
concordance - the degree to which two people are similar on a particular trait
heritability - proportion of differences between individuals in a population, with regards to a particular trait, due to genes. 0.01% (1%) is very little contribution, 1.0% (100%) means genes are the only reason
- the figure for heritability in IQ is about 0.5 (Plomin 1994)
E - if adopted children are more similar to their adoptive parents, suggests environmental influence, if more similar to biological parents, suggests genetic influence
E - Rhee and Waldman (2002) found in a meta-analysis of adoption studies that genetic influences accounted for 41% of variance in aggression
L - this shows how research can separate nature and nurture influences
- children create their own nurture by selecting environments appropriate to their nature - a naturally aggressive child will choose aggressive friends and become more aggressive
- this suggests that it does not make sense to look at evidence of either nature or nurture
E - in 1944, the Nazis blocked the distribution of food to the Dutch people and 22,000 died of starvation (the Dutch Hunger Winter
E - Susser and Lin (1992) found that women who became pregnant during the famine had low birth weight babies who were twice as likely to develop schizophrenia
L - this suggests that the life experiences of previous generations can leave epigenetic 'markers' that influence the health of their offspring
E - Nestadt et al (2010) put the heritability rate at .76 for OCD i.e. it is highly heritable. Such understanding can inform genetic counselling
E - people who have a high genetic risk of OCD because of their family background can receive education about inheritance, management and prevention of the disorder
L - this shows that the debate is not just about theoretical but that it is also important, at a practical level, to understand the interaction between nature and nurture
E - the extreme nativist stance is determinist and has led to controversy e.g. linking ethnicity, genetics and intelligence and eugenic policies
E - empiricists suggest that any behaviour can be changed by altering environmental conditions e.g. aversion therapy. This may lead to a society that controls and manipulates its citizens
L - this shows that both positions, taken to extremes, may have dangerous consequences for society so a moderate, interactionist position is preferred