if we are performing a complex task, then the level of arousal is already high plus the arousal from the audience can lead over arousal which can be detrimental to the performance of the complex task.
Michaels- used pool players in a university bar where the researchers assessed the skill level of the players and categorised them as being above or below average skill level. The presence of an audience improved the performance of above-average players whereas it impaired the performance of below average players.
Home team advantage
Schwartz and Barksy- analysed data from thousands of sports games from baseball, college football, hockey, and basketball. In all four sports, the percentage of home wins was over 50% percent.
Home team disadvantage
Weinberg and Gould
this can be due to the expectations of the home team, a crowd can be very vocal supporting and encouraging their home team but this could be seen as demands on the players which could increase their arousal to the point of overload. This could therefore have a negative effect on their performance.
Aim- to test the drive theory of social facilitation experimentally
Method- In part one each cockroach was placed in either a transparent runway or maze. The bright light was shone to motivate them to run to their goal. In co-action conditions two cockroaches ran together at the start of the runway or maze. In the audience condition, they were alone in the passage but could smell other cockroaches outside. In part two, they performed alone with mirrored walls or had smell cues for the presence of others
Results- In the easier task, the presence of an audience made them run quicker
APPLICATION - Biofeedback
get wired up to a bio feedback monitor
Engage in a relaxation exercise and watch the screen
If the heart rate/muscle tension decreases, you know the relaxation technique is working (positive reinforcement)
Practice this
Apply it the next time that athlete is under pressure from an audience
Lagos- young golfer
REBT helps to challenge irrational beliefs and promote positive ones.
Turner and Barker- 4 cricketers underwent sessions of REBT and their anxiety remained reduced over a 4 to 8 week period.
get athletes to use imagery techniques to help manage the effects of the audience.
APPLICATION - Developing skills
Athletes should focus on their sporting skills so they can gain some control and confidence over their abilities so that the presence of an audience can improve their performance. They should engage in specialist training and focus on the harder skills with repetition so it becomes an automatic process.