PE paper 1

Subdecks (9)

Cards (68)

  • Whitings model of information processing
    The perceptual mechanism-input
    • makes sense of incoming information
    • This is done through the detection of stimuli ,compare to the LTM, recognition of stimuli (DCR)
    • selective attention occurs
    The translators mechanism -does ion making stage
    • Receives the selected information from the perceptual mechanisms and decides what action is needed
    • we use memory to select appropriate action
    The effector mechanisms-output
    • impulses are sent to the muscles to carry out actions via a motor neurone
    • enables muscles to contract and execute the motor programme
  • Baddelley and Hitch working memory model-
    Sensory memory -
    • recieves all the information from the display
    • infomation is present for less than a second
    • infomation is flirted through selective attention
    • unnecessary infomation is lost
    Central executive -
    • receives info for 20/30 seconds
    • limited capacity of 7+/-2 items
    • Receives info from sensory memory and compares to LTM
    • selects a motor programme
    • initiates the motor programme
    Long term memory -
    • info can be stored for a life time
    • limitless capacity
    • stores past experience's,motor programmes and schemas
  • How can we ensure memory stays in the LTM?
    The player can—
    • use mental imagery and rehearsal
    • make infomation relevant and meaningful
    • chunk and chain info together
    The coach can-
    • make practice fun
    • use effective feedback
    • highlight specific cues
  • Central executive
    Visual spatial sketch pad -
    • deals with,stores and processes infomation in a visual format -used to create images
    Phonological loop-
    • deal with spoken and written material
    • rehearses and stores verbal info
    Episodic buffer-
    • links visual and audio infomation together (Visual spatial sketchpad and phonological loop )
  • Schmidt‘s Schema Theory
    Recall schema (selects movements )
    • Knowledge of initial conditions -what are the important cues /stimuli from the display that will influence choice of skill
    • knowledge of response specification -what motor programme is required for the conditions
    Recognition schema-controls movement
    • sensory consequences -compare how action feels (kinaesthetic awareness)to how you know it should feel from your LTM
    • Movement outcomes -does the end result comapre to the intended outcome