Apush or pull that acts onanobjectduetoitsinteractionwithanotherobject. Forces measured in Newtons
Balanced forces = when the forces acting on an object have equalmagnitude and act in oppositedirections, the object will be balanced
Stationary-Balanced, balanced forces are equal in magnitude and act in oppositedirection. If the arrow length is equal (sosamemagnitud) the box will remain stationar.
Arrow length- moving
Thrust pushes forwards, drag pulls backwards. Same magnitude
Balanced Forces
Equal in magnitude, act in opposite directions
Balanced force-moving: Travel at a constant speed, no change.Thrust and drag cancel out.
Stationary - Unbalanced, Starts to move
Moving-Unbalanced, Thrust and drag do not cancel out, accelerate or decelerate. Willnowbeachange.
Resultant force: A single force that has the same effect as all the originalforcesactingtogether
Calculating Resultant Force
1. Forces in same direction: Add them together
2. Forces in opposite direction: Big Force -Small force. Always goes in direction of originalbigforce.
Work Done
Force x DistanceW=F x s
Elasticity: When a force is put onto an object it can change its shape,speed, directionofmovement
Elastic Deformation
Object returns to original shape after force is removed
Inelastic Deformation
Object stays deformed after force is removed
Elastic Objects
Metal spring
Inelastic Objects
Elasticity Equation
Force = Spring Constant x ExtensionF=k x e
Spring Constant: Measurement of how stiff a material is (larger spring constant = stiffer)
Extension: Difference in length (new - old)
Not all extensions can be measured in metres, may need to convert units. Millimetres to metres = divide by 1000,centimetres to metres = divide by 100.
Moments: Acts around a pointof rotation called a pivot or fulcrum
Moments Equation
Moment = Force x Perpendicular DistanceM = F x d
Moments can be clockwise or anticlockwise around a pivot
Levers: consists of a pivot, effort and load. Make use of moments to act as a force multiplier, so easier to move heavier objects.