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  • Washington Moscow Hotline 1963
    Direct communication line between the leaders of the USA&USSR
  • Washington Moscow Hotline 1963
    • Rapid means of communication used by Johnson to warn USSR use of air support in 6 day war
    • Neither Kennedy nor Khrushchev used the hot line
  • Moscow Test Ban Treaty Aug 1963

    Each superpower to prevent nuclear weapon explosion at any place under its control
  • Moscow Test Ban Treaty Aug 1963
    • Above ground, underwater & outer space nuclear tests was prohibited
    • No limit on underground nuclear tests & France & China refused to sig the agreement
  • Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty July 1968

    Both superpowers agreed they wouldn't transfer to any recipient nuclear weapons
  • Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty July 1968
    • Ensured non-nuclear states didn't develop nuclear weapons by alliances & gave way to SALT
    • France & China did not sign until 1972
  • Helsinki accords July1975
    Basket 1- Rejection of threat of force. Peaceful settlement of disputes. Recognition of existing frontiers. Non intervention of internal affairs of other states. Basket 2- Trade ,industrial cooperation & promotion of tourism. Basket 3-Cultural & educational exchange & encouragement of freer movement of people, information & ideas. Human rights to be upheld.
  • Helsinki accords July1975

    • Soviet's were concerned with emphasis on Human rights
    • America felt it was an acceptance of a divided Germany
  • Nixon appointed Kissinger as his national security advisor
  • Kissinger helped negotiate the SALT 1 agreement arranged summit visits to China & the USSR
  • Perceptions of détente
    • America viewed Détente as a re-strategizing of containment & another way to win the cold war
    • Soviets viewed Détente as a normalising of equal relations where the USA recognised the USSR's nuclear parity
  • Motives for superpowers pursuit of Détente
    • Sino-soviet split
    • World economy
    • Divisions within their bloc
    • Vietnam war
    • Soviet nuclear arsenal
    • Domestic factors
  • Superpowers Arms limitation Negotiation (1) 1972-1979
    1. Placed limits on SLBMs & ICBMs
    2. No limit on development of MIRV technology
    3. Each only permitted 2 ABM systems
    4. SALT 1 was firmly an interim agreement, arrangements were made for SALT 2
  • Moscow summit May 1972
    USA & USSR that peaceful coexistence as a method to establish mutual relations
  • Vladivostok summit Nov 1974
    Equal levels of ICBM launchers & SLBM launchers between the US & USSR
  • SALT 2 ( Vienna Summit) 1979
    Overall limit on MIRV, nuclear launchers & 'confidence building' measures such as advance notification of ICBM tests
  • Both superpowers were still increasing their arms capabilities: USSR- Refusal to end deployment of SS-20 missiles. US- Establishment of new stealth bombers & Carter convinced USA NATO allies to increase military cruise missiles
  • President Jimmy Carter announced new approach of more ambitious arms reduction for SALT 2& was under pressure from his own advisors & public opinion
  • Carter recognises the PRC. Taiwan is replaced by the PRC as UN Security Council 1971. Trade with the US & China rose from $5mill to $500mill
  • Motives for superpowers pursuit of Détente
    • Sino-soviet split
    • World economy
    • Divisions within their bloc
    • Vietnam war
    • Soviet nuclear arsenal
    • Domestic factors
  • Sino-soviet split
    The growing diplomatic Sino-US relations coupled with the deteriorating Sino-soviet relations left the USSR feeling alienated & without a superpower ally
  • World economy
    US economy suffered due to cost of Vietnam war around $167 billion. Value of the $ fell due to inflation & by late 1960s unlike Japan or European economies the US was facing economic recession
  • Divisions within their bloc

    Prague spring & growing demand for modernisation from Eastern European countries. De Gaulle withdrew French troops from NATO in 1966 & visited the USSR. West Germany developed trade links with Romania & Yugoslavia after 1960. Romania weakened ties with Soviets & established an independent military role within the Warsaw pact
  • Vietnam war
    Vietnam war at its height when Nixon began towards Détente to allow him to focus on SEA without worrying about Europe. European criticism of Vietnam war showed that Europeans no longer bought idea of communist aggression in Asia or even in Europe. Nixon is running re-election in 1972 and has faced heavy domestic opposition of Vietnam war. Détente allow for peace agreement & end of Vietnam war
  • Soviet nuclear arsenal
    Soviet ICBMS went from 500 to 1140 by 1969 compared to US 1040 ICBMs. By 1969 the USSR had far more 'throw-weight' mega tonnage nuclear bombs. By 1969 USSR caught up with the US in arms race. But USSR had disadvantage in MIRV technology
  • Domestic factors
    Nixon's era of negotiation was a way to score points off the democrats. Food shortages & riots have taken place in Poland in 1970. Trade agreement with USA would solve grain crisis but the US will only supply grain on condition that SALT talks concluded successfully