left realist theory of crime

Cards (10)

  • lea and young
    crime and the fear of crime are very real social problems that should be taken seriously and most victims are working class
    therefore, sociologists should consider solutions to all crime and not just white collar/corporate crime
  • three causes of crime - lea and young
    they identify a number of causes of crime including subcultures, marginalisation and most importantly relative deprivation
  • relative deprivation
    refers to inequality
    the idea that people are deprived compared to others in society
  • social exclusion
    people feeling they do not have a stake in society , are on the margins and in the formation of subcultures
  • creating social order - left realism
    left realists propose that social order will come from a fairer more equal society
    this requires everyone in society and partnerships to be made between agencies to reduce the problem of crime
  • 3 solutions to tackling crime by left realists
    policing and control
    tackling subcultural causes
    influence on government policy
  • who spoke about late modernity and bulimic society?
    Young (1999)
  • late modernity and bulimic society
    argued that crime is worsened through these changes :
    growing individualism - less sense of community
    weakening of informal social control - less impact on the family, religion etc
    growing economic inequalities - greater divide of classes
  • feminist criticism of left realism
    if social exclusion and marginalisation causes crime then it would be expected that women commit more crimes and yet this isn't the case
    feminists would criticise left realism for being 'malestream' and ignoring gender as a factor
  • evaluation of the left realist theory
    one problem with the theory is that the proposals are idealistic rather than realistic