Procedure for gram staining of bacteria
1. Prepare a heat-fixed smear
2. Add a few drops of crystal violet to smear and let it sit for 60 seconds (crystal violet is the primary stain)
3. Rinse the slide with distilled water (stopping at this step would be a simple stain)
4. Add a few drops of gram's iodine to smear and let it sit for 60 seconds (gram's iodine forms a complex with crystal violet)
5. Rinse the slide with distilled water
6. Decolorize with 95% ethanol: let alcohol run over the surface of the slide until there is no more purple color
7. Rinse the slide with water which stops the decolorizing process
8. Add a few drops of safranin and let it sit for 60 seconds (counterstain)
9. Rinse with water (shows if cells will be gram-positive or gram-negative)
10. 10. Blot dry with bibulous paper