Experimental Designs

Cards (15)

  • Matched Pairs is where pairs of participants are matched based on relevant variables and then randomly assigned to one of two conditions
  • Independent Groups is where two different groups participate in one condition each
  • Repeated Measures is where the same group of participants participate in both conditions
  • Counterbalancing is used in repeated measures design in order to reduce order effects (ABBA technique)
  • Independent groups design does not have order effects
  • Independent groups design requires a large amount of people
  • Repeated measures removes individual differences
  • Repeated measures design is time-consuming
  • Matched pairs design controls individual differences
  • Matched pairs design does not have order effects
  • Matched pairs design is time-consuming and difficult to do accurately
  • Quasi-experimental designs seeks to evaluate the casual relationships between variables but without full control over the independent variable
  • Non-equivalent control group design is a quasi-experimental design where two groups of participants are selected that are similar in every way except for the independent variable and one group receives experimental treatment while the other is a control
  • Interrupted Time-Series design is a quasi-experimental design where data is collected on the dependent variables over a period of time both before and after an intervention to determine whether there was a significant change
  • Pretest-Posttest design is a quasi-experimental design where the dependent variable is measured before and after an intervention (without a control group)