AO3 - Zimbardo

    Cards (5)

    • Counterpoint to a limitation - Lack of realism
      What? Participants did believe realistically
      Who? McDermott - 90% conversations about prison life
      Why? Did replicate social roles - high internal validity
    • Limitation: Lack of realism
      What? Not realistic
      Who? Banuazizi & Movahedi - stereotypes, not conforming to social roles
      Why? Tells us little about conformity in actual prisons
    • Strength: Control
      What? Control over key variables
      Who? Selection of participants; random
      Why? Internal validity
    • Limitation: Exaggerates the power of roles
      What? Exaggerated power of social roles
      Who? Fromm - 1/3 guards behaved brutally; most resisted pressures
      Why? Overstated conformity to social roles
    • Limitation: Alternative explanation
      What? Doesn't account for non-brutal guards
      Who? Reicher and Haslam - Social Identity Theory (SIT)
      Why? Guards had to actively identify with their role to behave how they did
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