environmental degradation - to destroy or lower the ability of the environment for human habitation or use
desertification - The making of an expanding desert.
irrigation - A system to bring water to support farming crops
monsoons - Seasonal winds which bring rain
physical geography - The relationship between people and the physical features of the earth; rivers, oceans, mountains, deserts, rain forests, etc
topography - a detailed map of the surface features of land, usually measures height
crop rotation - an agricultural system to rotate crops in order to produce more food and allow for the ground to become arable
Green Revolution - An agricultural revolution in the 1960-70s which increased farm production by modern technology (pesticides & fertilizers)
bourgeoisie - The middle class
capitalism - Economic System explained by Adam Smith in his book Wealth of Nations in which the means of production are privately owned and for profit
commerce - The act of conducting business
domestic - Anything pertaining to the home
export - The sending of goods to another country for sale or trade
factors of production/means of production - The resources for the economic system of capitalism that includes land, labor, capital (money/things of value)), and entrepreneurship (industry leader)
gender - The socially constructed ideas about the behavior, actions, and roles a particular sex (male/female) performs
hierarchy - Levels according to rank or status
import - The bringing in of goods from another country for sale or trade
Law of supply and demand - When demand for a resource is high and supply is low, the price of the resource is high. (When the demand for a resource is low and the supply is high, the price of the resource is low)
market economy - An economy based on free trade and supply and demand
scarcity - not enough for your needs
self-sufficiency - Able to provide for oneself without the help of others; independent
social mobility - the ability to move up or down on the social hierarchy (social, political, economic, etc)
surplus - much more than you need
femininity - The trait of behaving in ways considered typical for women
industrialization - The change to industrial methods of production such as the use of factories
masculinity - Maleness: the properties characteristic of the male sex
marxism - The political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels explained in their book "The Communist Manifesto", which was later developed as the basis for communism
political economy - an idea in which people have a say in theirplace in the economics and government of their society
cottage industry - the economics of making products/goods athome by hand (prior to the Industrial Revolution)
Communist Manifesto - a book written by Karl Marx that explains and advocates the concept of communism for people
Industrial Revolution - the major change in the mid-1700s from making goods/products at home by hand to making mass produced goods/products in a factory by machine
proletariat - the Working class
Bourgeoisie - the Middle class and some business owners
urban - city or city-like
Textile - fabric usually made from cotton or wool
Agricultural Revolution - a major change in the way food was produced to yield (increase) the food supply using the four (4) crop rotation system.
Social Darwinism - Herbert Spencer's ideas that the theories of Charles Darwin and Natural Selection should apply to society and it is your genes that determine your superiority and fate. This will eventually culminate in the social construct of race