Cards (14)

  • extension
    movement where the angle between the bones increase
  • flexion
    movement at the joint where the angle of the bones decrease
  • abduction
    where limbs are moved away from the body
  • adduction
    where the limbs are moving towards the body
  • rotation
    turning a limb along its axis
  • plantar flexion

    movement at the ankle where the toes are pointed down
  • dorsifelxion
    movement at the ankle where the toes are pointed towards the knee
  • circumduction
    when a limb is held straight and is moved in a circular shape
  • haemoglobin
    red pigment found in red blood cells which transports oxygen around the body
  • oxyhaemoglobin
    formed when oxygen combines with haemoglobin
  • vascular shunting

    process that increases blood flow to active areas during exercise by diverting blood away from inactive areas (achived by vasodilation and vasoconstriction)
  • diastole
    the relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle
  • systole
    the contraction phase of the cardiac cycle
  • EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption)

    increased rate of oxygen intake following strenuous activity
    • during anerobic exercise energy is produced
    • this builds up latic acid in muscles and oxygen debt
    • the body must take extra oxygen to break it down