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  • When the chromosomes line up in mitosis this is known as which phase? Metaphase
  • Which cellular organelle contains enzymes that are considered digestive? Lysosomes
  • Organs repair themselves through a process of? Mitosis
  •  Lock and Key model is a model for enzyme action
  • Enzymes are not destroyed during chemical reactions.
  • Prostaglandins can constrict and dilate blood vessels.
  • Cholesterol that is known as (LDL) stands for: low density lipoprotein
  • Hardening of the arteries is known as: Atherosclerosis
  • The top number on a blood pressure reading indicates: Systolic pressure
  • Litmus paper that is blue will turn/stay blue in the presence of a strong base.
  • Breathing properly requires the presence of what compound that affects surface tension of alveoli in the lungs? Surfactant
  • 3 function of the kidneys: secretion, reabsorption, filtration
  • The functional unit of the kidney is known as: Nephron
  • formula that indicates the ideal gas law: PV=nRT
  • characteristic or property of a gas: volume, mass, pressure, temperature
  • The law that defines "An object immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object": Archimedes principle
  • Liquids that evaporate quickly are known as volatile liquids.
  • High frequency sound waves are known as: Overtones
  • The first American to win a Nobel Prize was Albert Michelson for measuring the speed of light.
  • Anatomical structure that connects the stomach and the mouth: esophagus