Q: What font am I supposed to use for the reference page or bibliography?
Sans Serif: Calibri, Arial, Lucida
Serif: Times new Roman, Georgia, Normal/Computer Modern
Q: What are the margins supposed to be for the reference page or bibliography?
0.5 Indent
Q: What information goes into an APA style reference page or bibliography?
Full citations for all the sources, may they be summarized, paraphrased or directly quoted.
The reference list is organized by alphabetical order BY author
The last name(s) and initials of the author(s).
The date the source was published (shown in parentheses).
The title of the source in sentence case. The title should be in italics if the source stands on its own (like a book, webpage, or movie).
The name of the periodical, database, or website if the source is an article from a magazine, journal, newspaper, etc. Names of periodicals are usually italicized; names of databases and websites usually are not.
The publisher of the source and/or the URL where the source can be found.