Cards (6)

  • Position paper
    A more complex version of a persuasive essay
  • Position paper
    Represents your arguments in a written form, favoring one side of the issue
  • Goal of a position paper
    Declare a position on a certain matter or issue, and convince or persuade others to take that side
  • Principles of argumentative writing
    • Consider audience, choose viewpoint, write with style and clarity, use appropriate diction, create clear paragraphs, use effective transitions, ensure proper grammar and spelling, organize arguments persuasively
  • Writing a position paper
    1. Introduction - present topic, issue, and thesis
    2. Counter arguments - summarize, provide support, refute
    3. Your arguments - assert claims, provide support
    4. Conclusion - restate argument, provide plan of action
  • Thesis
    A one-sentence statement about the topic, an assertion that is claimed to be true