social anxiety/social phobia (phobia of a social situation)
agoraphobia (phobia of being outside in a public place)
Behavioural characteristics of phobias:
panic (e.g freezing, running away, tantrum)
avoidance (tend to go to a lot of effort to avoid phobic stimulus)
endurance (when the person chooses to remain in the presence of the phobic stimulus)
Emotional characteristics of phobias:
anxiety (phobias are classed as anxiety disorders- therefore they involve an emotional response of anxiety)
fear (fear is the immediate and extremely unpleasant response when we encounter a phobic stimulus but it is usually more intense and shorter than anxiety)
emotional response is unreasonable (the anxiety/fear is much greater than normal and disproportionate to any threat posed)
Cognitive characteristics of phobias:
selective attention to the phobic stimulus (e.g. can’t look away from it, this can be useful when there is a threat but not when the fear is irrational)
irrational beliefs (may hold beliefs that cannot be explained and don’t have any basis in reality)
cognitive distortions (their perceptions may be inaccurate or unrealistic)