Biological Rhythms

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    • Biological rhythms
      Periodic physiological fluctuations in the body, such as the rise and fall of hormones and accelerated and decelerated cycles of brain activity, that can influence behaviour.
    • Endogenous pacemakers
      Mechanisms within the body that govern the internal, biological bodily rhythms
    • Exogenous zeitgebers
      External cues that may affect or entrain our biological rhythms, such as the influence of light on the sleep/wake cycle.
    • Circadian Rhythms
      Internally generated patterns of body functions, including hormonal signals, sleep, blood pressure, and temperature regulation, which have approximately a 24-hour cycle and occur even in the absence of normal cues about whether it is day or night
    • The sleep/wake cycle
      A daily, naturally occurring 24-hour circadian rhythm of sleep and wake states regulated by a biological clock
    • Siffre's cave study
      - Studied effects of his endogenous pacemaker.
      - First time he spent 2 months in the cave, 2nd time 6 months.
      - His free running biological rhythm settled to one just beyond 24 hours (around 25) but did fall asleep and wake up on a regular schedule.
    • Strengths of circadian rhythms
      Shift work
      - Night workers engaged in shift work experience a period of reduced concentration around in the morning meaning mistakes and accidents are more likely.
      - Shows that research into the sleep/wake cycle may have real world economic implications in terms of how best to manage worker productivity.

      Medical treatment
      - Circadian rhythms co-ordinate a number of the body's basic processes such as heart rate, digestion and hormone levels.
      - These rise and fall during the course of a day which has led to the field of chronotherapeutic.
      - For example, aspirin as a treatment for heart attacks is most effective if taken last thing at night.
      -Shows that circadian rhythm research can help increase the effectiveness of drug treatments.
    • Limitations of circadian rhythms
      Individual differences
      - Generalisations are difficult to make.
      - Siffre's study is a case study of one person.
      - Difficult to use the research data to discuss anything more than averages, which may be meaningless.
    • Infradian rhythms
      Cycle that lasts more than 24 hours
      e.g. menstrual cycle, SAD
    • The menstrual cycle
      - 23-36 days
      - Regulated by hormones
      - Oestrogen levels change throughout the month
      - Oestrogen ↑, egg is released, oestrogen ↓ and progesterone ↑
    • Stern and McClintock (1998)
      - 29 women with a history of irregular periods.
      - Pheromones collected from 9 women at different stages of their periods using cotton pad under armpit.
      - Other 20 women given pad from 1st day of sample period, then 2nd and so on.
      - 68% of women experienced changes to menstrual cycle bringing them closer to odour donor.
    • Seasonal affective disorder
      - A depressive disorder which has a seasonal pattern of onset.
      - Described and diagnosed as a mental disorder in DSM-5.
      - The main symptoms of SAD are persistent low mood alongside a general lack of activity and interest in life.
    • Strength of Infradian rhythms
      Evolutionary basis
      - May be explained by natural selection.
      - For our distant ancestors, it may have been advantageous for women to menstruate together and become pregnant at the same time.
      - Suggests that synchronisation is an adaptive strategy.
    • Limitation of Infradian rhythms
      Methodological limitations
      - Many factors can affect menstrual cycle (stress, diet, exercise).
      - These are confounding variables.
      - May explain why other studies have failed to replicate the findings.
      - Suggests a menstrual synchrony studies are flawed.
    • Ultradian rhythms
      Have cycles that occur more than once every 24 hours.
    • Stages 1 and 2 of sleep cycle
      light sleep
    • Stages 3 and 4 of the sleep cycle
      - Heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing drop to their lowest levels.
      - Replenishing chemical supplies, growth hormones released, immune system repairs.
    • Stage 5 of the sleep cycle
      - Rapid eye movement
      - Brainwaves speed up
      - Dreaming occurs
      - Body paralysed
      - Theta-waves
    • Strength of ultradian rhythms
      Improved understanding
      - Sleep scientists have observed the sleep wake cycle reduces with age.
      - Knowledge of ultradian rhythms has practical value.
    • Limitation of ultradian rhythms
      Individual differences
      - Tucker et al found large differences between participants in terms of the duration of each sleep stage, particularly stages 3 and 4.
      - Makes it difficult to define normal sleep in any meaningful way.
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