Large Intestine

Cards (14)

  • Reabsorbs water.
  • Omental appendices are small fatty projections that help with immune responses and cushion the colon.
  • Teniae Coli are thickened bands of muscle. 3 types; mesocolic, omental, and free
  • Haustra are saccules (little sacs) in the colon that give it its segmented appearance
  • Caecum starts at ileocecal Junction. 7.5cm pouch. No mesentery.
  • Appendix is an intestinal diverticulum 6-10cm in length. Contains masses of lymphoid tissue. Small meso-appendix.
  • Rectum is retroperitoneal. S3 vertebra level. S shaped. Transverse rectal folds.
  • Arterial supply: sup. Mesenteric a. = ileocolic, right colic, middle colic. Inf. MesentEric a. = left colic, superior sigmoid, sigmoid arteries
  • Arterial supply: sup. Mesenteric a. = ileocolic, right colic, middle colic. Inf. MesentEric a. = left colic, superior sigmoid, sigmoid arteries
  • Venous return: sup. Mesenteric runs to hepatic portal vein. Inf. Mesenteric runs to splenic. Joins superior mesenteric to become hepatic portal vein.
  • Caecum and Appendix drain to appendicular and ileocolic lymph nodes
  • Ascending colon drains to ileocolic and right colic lymph nodes
  • Descending and sigmoid colon drain to left colic (intermediate) lymph nodes
  • The pancreas is an accessory digestive gland. Retroperitoneal. L1-2 level. Exorcise function - pancreatic juice from acinar cells. Endocrine function - glucagon and insulin from islet cells